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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chez Agnieszka et Victoria

In Warsaw, I was asked to cook, and so obliged. I was taken to a supermarket, given a basket, and had to decide then and there what to make for three hungry people, it already being late in the evening. I sort of took an easy way out, combining a dish I've made for my friends in Spain (a spicy cordon bleu with honey mustard sauce,) a dish I make for myself at home a lot (chard with bacon, onions, garlic, apples, and usually black eyed peas - but not this time) and something inspired by the local strawberries that were prevalent in Warsaw at the time: strawberry corn fritters. The greens dish required some improvisation, as they did not have adequate chard and I had to use cabbage to supplement, but it turned out fine. Took about an hour to prepare, and it was a hit... I got the impression they would welcome me back.

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