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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Restauracja U Barssa

Restauracja U Barska is an elegant restaurant on the Old Town’s Rynek Starego Miasta—the Old Square. I persuaded Ezra to join me there because its was the only menu we passed that offered escargot…I’m sorry, I’m an addict—goulash, shawarma, and garlicky snails.

Smoking is allowed in Warsaw pubs and bars, but seldom in restaurants. We were, therefore, surprised to be offered a “smoking” or “no smoking” table. We chose the latter…for investigative purposes, of course.

We were ushered to the First Floor (“upstairs”) and an exquisite room that seemed rooted in the 18th or 19th Century rather than the hopeful years after the Second World War. The ceilings were fifteen-feet high, the richly papered walls framing finely paned windows looking out over the Square, themselves framed in heavy brocaded drapes—the table settings were crystal and silver on perfectly mangled linen tablecloths.

I ordered the escargot—listed on the menu as Zapiekene Slimaki po
—i.e., Snails Burgundy. For a main course I chose the Tunczykjem Salat (essentially a salad Nicoise).

The meal was pleasant, but hardly overwhelming. The escargot were simply the largest snails I’ve ever encountered—probably the toughest, as well. Over them and the sauce was melted mozzarella…and not a taste of Burgundy—either the wine or the French region anywhere. The Nicoise was very nice, but the tuna seemed dressed a little far from the sea. The saving grace for both dishes was the wonderfully fresh bread—the constant of all our meals, Reykjavik to Copenhagen and in Warsaw.

Ezra, though, had a little more luck—especially with his hors d’oeuvre, a beef carpaccio sliced…no, shaved! and thinner, I’m sure, than the blade used for the task. One of the finest things I’ve ever put in my mouth.

He can rave about it….,

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