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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Chez Andreas et Nora

My dear friends Andreas and Nora invited me and the father to their house for brunch our last afternoon in town. I had slept late and saved my appetite in anticipation of whatever Nora was going to cook, which was wonderful... and vegan! I think it was my father's first vegan meal, and a perfect introduction at that. Moist date and applesauce muffins, fruit salad and a strawberry gazpacho that was balanced so perfectly you couldn't exactly tell where the flavors were - they merged. Lunch finished with coffee and chocolate cake, not too sweet, again moistened with applesauce but having a much different texture than the muffins; a nice crumble. Nora and 'Dreas, I owe you a meal! Look forward to seeing you soon.

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